Clara Pachon

Hipnoterapist & Energy Healer

When I began my journey along this path of connecting with light beings, I realized that angels do not come to predict the future or make decisions for us. They are constantly trying to communicate with us directly without violating the divine laws. As a result, today with gratitude I dedicate my life to spreading the messages that come from them.

With love, Clara Pachón”


Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy

“QHHT is a powerful healing modality that combines hypnosis with the belief that we are all connected to a higher source of wisdom and healing. QHHT sessions can help to heal a wide range of physical, emotional, and spiritual issues, as well as gain insights into one’s life purpose and connect with one’s higher self.


Angelology therapy is a type of holistic healing that uses the power of angels to help people heal physically, emotionally, and spiritually. It is based on the belief that angels are always with us and willing to help us, if we only ask.

It gives us a deeper understanding of the spiritual world and our place in it.

We can learn how to connect with our angels and receive their guidance and support.

Knowing that we are surrounded by angels who love and support us can bring us a great sense of hope and peace. We can trust that our angels are always with us, even when we are going through difficult times.

Meditation Coach

A meditation coach is a guide who can help you to learn the basics of meditation, to develop a regular practice, and to overcome any challenges that you may face.


Learn the basics of meditation.

Develop a regular practice.

Overcome challenges.

Tap into your inner wisdom and intuition.

Manifest your dreams.

Heal your wounds.

Quantum Coach

Quantum Coaching is a powerful tool that combines the wisdom of quantum physics with psychology and spirituality. It is based on the idea that our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs have a direct impact on our reality, and we can transform our lives by shifting our perception and focus.

Energy Healing

Energy Healing is a holistic practice that recognizes the connection between the physical body, mind, emotions, and spirit. It operates on the fundamental belief that our bodies are comprised of energy, and imbalances or blockages in this energy can lead to physical, emotional, or spiritual dis-ease. Energy Healing seeks to restore harmony and vitality by clearing these blockages and promoting the free flow of energy.

Energy healing can help you to:

Stress Reduction: Experience deep relaxation and stress relief.

Physical Healing: Promote the body’s natural healing abilities.

Emotional Balance: Release emotional burdens and achieve emotional equilibrium.

Mental Clarity: Enhance mental focus and clarity.”

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